Expanded Learning (After School) TK-5th Grade

Redding's PROMISE After School Program

Providing Rich Opportunities | Meaningful Interactions | Safe Environments


 Welcome to Redding’s PROMISE Expanded Learning After School Program (ELP). We believe that all children are the promise of tomorrow – with this in mind, we pledge our PROMISE to all children:

To Provide Rich Opportunities for children to increase their academic achievement, and to find or broaden their interests in activities they might otherwise not have access to outside of the Expanded Learning Program. 

To ensure Meaningful Interactions with caring and supportive adults from not only the school staff, but the community as well through community volunteers and Service Learning Projects. 

To create Safe Environments both physically and emotionally for all children after school. 

The programs are open Monday through Friday from the time school is out to 6:00PM. A variety of activities are offered including a time for homework, enrichment, and recreation. 

Absenteeism: Your student is expected to come to the program on a regular basis. If your student has an appointment after school or for some other reason will not be in the program that day, please send a note or call the After School Office. 

Medications: Medications will be kept in the school office to be administered by office personnel. Employees of the After School Program may administer minor first aid.

Snack: Snacks will be provided for students participating in the After School Program. Please inform your Site Director of any food allergies or health concerns.


Emergency Information: Please keep your Emergency Card current in the School Front Office. This is the form we will be using for all contact and pick-up information. The information you provide on the FAST TRACK registration is informational only. Due to new policies, we will only be able to use the card on file in the front office.           

Program Policies: This is a school program and school rules apply. In order to make the program a safe and enjoyable atmosphere, we will not tolerate disrespect, bullying, inappropriate physical contact or abuse of school property. If a child disobeys any of the rules, certain consequences will apply.

First Offense:           Verbal warning to child & responsible adults

Second Offense:     Referral with on campus consequences

Third Offense:         Referral with Suspension of up to 5 days

Fourth Offense:      Dismissal from program

All discipline is at the discretion of the Site Director, the After School Program Coordinator, and the Principal.  In some cases, less or more severe action is taken.

 We greatly appreciate your cooperation in helping us provide a positive         learning environment for your child. PARENT COOPERATION AND INVOLVEMENT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!

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